Bon a priori, Bob Wiacek, un artiste bien connu (plus comme encreur peut-être) des lecteurs de comic books dans l'Hexagone a quelques ennuis :
My name is Bob Wiacek and I have been a comic book/graphic artist for over 40 years. It has been difficult but I've managed to get through the tough times yet since my wife passed away over 3 years ago I have to live on a very modest income which I have been able to do until now. I have lost more than a week of work from a injury to my arm do to a bad fall. Naturally it will heal but that is going to take time and I'm seriously getting behind in my bills and taxes which I have to pay by the end of the month of September '15. I live with my son who has a job and helps out when he can. Anything you can give will be greatly appreciated and as an added incentive, for those who send in $40 or more I will do a drawing of any comic book character you like after I get ahead on my commissions. More detailed commisssioned drawings can be discussed at a later point. I want to thank all of you who have taken the time to read this.
Pour ceux qui ne lisent pas l'anglais, au-delà à partir de 40$ Bob exécutera pour vous un dessin dont le sujet sera un personnage de BD de votre choix.
Quelque soit la somme il vous remercie chaleureusement.
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